Men’s Ministry
The Full Deliverance Church (FDC) Men of Valor are cordially inviting you to attend their quarterly Men’s Prayer Breakfast. At FDC, Men’s prayer breakfast is a great occasion and important time for prayer, encouragement and motivation to conquer or overcome problems and regain lost destinies.
During any of the men’s gathering, powerful speakers address men’s most hurting areas that might need healing and holding up of hands. It also provides the men the opportunity to pray and support one another in the race to grow and achieve life goals. Call, email or write us for information regarding flyer, date and time for the next Men’s Prayer Breakfast structured with international flair.
Women’s Ministry
Come and join the wonderful group of FDC Women of Virtue – sanctified, loving and God fearing women of Excellence in their powerful prayer group meetings, dancing and Singing group.
These women love God and do marvelous work to encourage, empower and uplift each other in the Spirit of grace. They love you and would like to fellowship with you.
Call, email or write us for further prayers and strengthening. Further, FDC women enjoy a powerful enrichment class every Tuesday by 7PM to encourage and empower one another to excel.
Youth Ministry
FDC Youth – the world changers are enthusiastic for Jesus! They are real for Christ and do their best to put God first in their lives. Parents are encouraged to lead their children to join FDC Youth to develop their latent talents, love Jesus and adapt to a new lifestyle in Christ.
The young people from the inner-city, streets lifestyle, gang banging or those addicted in drugs should not lose hope but should join FDC youth for a life transforming journey.
FDC youth use Word of God, music, dancing, arts and exemplary character as tools to reach and encourage others. Also, you are welcome to FDC Youth Club (FYC) with rich social, cultural and spiritual enrichment – full of interesting, joyous and exciting moments with Jesus and His loved ones. Come and see what God is doing in our midst. FYC is open to ages 10 to 35 year of all races.
Brother & Sister Keeper
Is a ministry in FDC nurtured to provide the much needed support, encouragement and motivation to excel in the school, home and society. We welcome young people (from ages 12 to 17), males and females and of all race and ethnicity within the community to come receive sound mentoring experience. We prepare the minds of young people to draw closer to God and commit to church activities.
Our mentoring program is very exciting as our young ones are giving opportunity to develop their latent talents in dancing, singing, learning varying musical instruments, developing athletic skills and other social activities, such as sight seeing (Theme Parks), Beach, Movies, Skating, Bowling, Picnics and much more.
We prepare them for profiting career choices, social tolerance (non-bias), proper dress code, resume writing, cooking and serving food with friendly attitude.
We encourage total sexual abstinence but to focus on education, obey teachers, avoid ditching classes, completing school assignments and homework.
We encourage them to refrain from street lifestyle, such as gang banging, night-clubbing, graffiti writing, disobedience to parents, lawlessness, fights and violence, drug and alcohol, hatred towards Police or any other criminal offense.
Children Ministry
Parents are encouraged to bring their children to FDC to receive appropriate teaching, training and care. This benefit is available for all interested families and is free of charge.
Age appropriate teaching materials, videos, reading, television, songs, toy and many other kinds of approaches are utilized to make the children receive good care.
The children also have opportunity to enjoy extra-mural activities such as sight seeing, movies, museums, parks and other recreational or social participation.
Linguistic Skills
A. Language (English, French, Spanish)
B. Citizenship classes
C. DMV permit studies
Spirit of Praise (SOP) Dancers
SOP is a dynamic, Spirit – filled and thrilling Stars, sanctified and sold out for Jesus Christ. God is using their unique talents to bring healing, hope, encouragement and therapeutic touch to those privileged to watch their performances.
SOP can also provide technical assistance to choreographic dancers or teach new learners to reach any desired level. SOP specializes in worship dancing, African rhythmic dancing and contemporary American gospel music and much more. For booking call (323) 733-0000.
Mission International

FDC Nigeria branch at Nkpolu-PortHarcourt with Bishop Azonwu
FDC branches in Nigeria deeply express their thanks to all those who have supported them prayerfully, morally and financially. Our Bishop, Dr. Charles Azonwu will need your prayers and financial support as he travels to Nigeria this year for missionary work –providing care to the widows, orphans and less privileged individuals.
If the Lord leads you to support the poor in Africa, please see our donation page in this website and God bless you for your generousity.
Contact person: Pastor Cletus Ameh, Ikwa Zuba F.C.T. Abuja Branch
Phone: (011-234-803-654-8191)