Donation 2020-11-06T04:23:27+00:00

FDC Los Angeles branch at service

Dearly Beloved,

Be our partner in faith, as you peruse through our website you may be delighted to share in our vision and mission work here in US and abroad.

We are convinced that the Lord may speak to you in one way or the other to support us carry out divine mandate of improving the lives of others less privileged.

We need your continued prayers, encouragement and support in kind or in cash.

Full Deliverance World Ministries, Inc is a good ground to sow your seed of love and faith. Every cent you give shall faithfully be used for the very purpose it is intended and is tax exempted.

Further, our account is monitored and audited by a Chattered Accountant. Give with confident for the noble cause. Believe God with us as we pray for your miraculous release, blessings and breakthroughs.

No matter your situation, trust God to perform miracle in your life.

To donate, please enter the amount you want to donate and then click the ‘Donate Now’ button below. 

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Donation Total: $5.00

The Need to Sow Seed into Full Deliverance World Ministries, Inc

You will be blessed as you sow a seed into Full Deliverance World Ministries. We do know that no money is enough to please God but faith. However, faith without works is dead. The best way to direct our faith is to give to God’s ministry and the prosperity of Christ’s Kingdom. God’s Word commands us not to come before God with empty hands (Exodus 23:15, 34:20, Deuteronomy 16:16). Coming before God with thanksgiving offerings, tithes, vows, pledges or donations is an act of works that can make your faith alive and productive. God assures that if you honor Him with your gifts given liberally and bountifully, He will not let you go home empty handed (Exodus 3:21).

For South Central Los Angeles, California

To assist us reach the underprivileged population in the South Central Los Angeles area, monetary donations of any amount will enable us to purchase the necessary tools, equipment, materials as well as taking care of our staff to provide necessary services to the community. Also, in-kind donation such as Computers, Fax and Copy machines, video camera and photo camera and projector would be of great importance to enable us reach to disenfranchised individuals that we serve.

For African Mission

Our mission work in Nigeria – Abuja, Port Harcourt, Imo and Lagos States are in great demand for urgent support as our missionaries travel to spread the gospel and embark on operation feed the hungry. We need financial help to buy the following important items: Medicine, food and clothing are needed as well as the money to ship them. Also, to spread the gospel the following items are needed:

  1. Generator (5kvx)
  2. Crusade wiring
  3. Musical equipment
  4. Crusade Van
  5. Office computers
  6. Fax machines
  7. Projectors

Anyone desiring to travel with us is welcome and should contact us for further information.Your donation will help sustain Full Deliverance Church programs in delivering effective, new and innovative life changing services to improve quality of work, reach our constituents, and empower high level of performance to the community.

FDWM is incorporated both at the State and federal levels as 501(c)3 tax exempt faith based corporation based in Los Angeles, California. You may deduct donations from your federally-taxable income. We delight in communicating with our donors, volunteers or interested party in an open, accountable, and timely manner.

We ask that you give with confidence and support this Organization by donating toward the noble cause. The services that FDWM has extended to the public have been without charge, and without funding assistance. We expect to grow by observation, education, preparation, and monitoring of progress.

We are committed to quality, integrity, and accountability. We will serve our constituents with dignity, and compassion. We have the people, talents, concern, and determination to continue implementing these programs. The vision that is presented to you herein lacks only one thing – the provision that gives life to the vision. You posses the much needed resources that can change lives, homes, families, and communities. All credit card donations are processed by PayPal.

Deep Appreciation

Our deep appreciation goes to the following individuals God used uniquely to support our mission work in Africa as well in our Los Angeles Community as a whole.